hari ini ngambil rapor, ditemenin sama mamah dan mutiara devia :) hadeeeh sumpah deh di sekolah itu takut, deg degan, dsb. akhirnya enggak lama setelah nunggu sebentar nyokap ke walas dan membicarakan macam macam. hem dan...... jreng jreng jreng.. aku naik kelas dan nilai nilai nya memuaskan :) thank you god. ahhh tapi sedih :( itu artinya harus pisah kelas :'( gak mau di pisah banget deh :) kalian keluarga kedua gue di sekolah :) dari mulai awal masuk kita enggak saling deket dan akhirnya sekarang kita udah solid banget, sedih deh waktu kita sama sama kasih kue ke mam esti :') ketawa ketawa bareng waktu febri, wahyu, suratmi, upii, dll di kerjain sama pak waluyo :D dan kemarin 24 juni 2010 adalah momen kita bersama dimana kita tunjukin kesemuanya kalo XI IPA 3 itu solid banget :') dengan piala juara 1 yang kita dapet, walaupun sebelumnya kita marah marah, emosional, dll. rasanya baru kemarin kenal kalian dan ketawa ketawa bareng tapi sekarang tau tau udah mau kelas XII.
ya allah, aku gak mau kelasnya nanti dipecah lagi :( udah sayang banget sama kalian cosinus 3 ku :')
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
yeayy cosinus the best

very happy now. hahahhaha enggak nyangka banget xi ipa 3 menang dan juara satu... yeayyy ini bukti dan hadiah dari keersamaan kita semua... ahhhh seneng banget enggak bisa ngomong gimana :) terima kasih buat kekompakan kita : anggota instrumen, vocal, dan dance.. pokoknya BIG THANKS GOD and LOVE, HUG, and KISSES for xi ipa 3 :D
Thursday, June 17, 2010
who is i am ?

thank you might make an already read my blog:) thanks very much.
but what you already knew who I am? hahahahaha certainly not because I have not mentioned it. I was the third of three brothers. I was with my two sisters distance far away. My mother can imagine the time it was possible that she thought her son had just two and a pair. hahahahha I was born in BEKASI, but before my family lived in Jakarta, in an old house in the area tebet. baseball know why they moved to jakarta and my mother I was pregnant (yes he said it was a gift to live in Bekasi). me and my brother's age range is approximately eleven years, and now my life is going seventeen years, my mom says if I'm at most of their nutrition from my brother.
My first sister is a woman, whose name is Novita Suryani. me and her thirteen-year differences. and my second brother was a boy, his name Wahyu Hidayat, we are eleven years apart in age. I am closer to my boy's brother. He often defended me when I'm get angry at my mother or father, yes I get along with him.
when I was little I have people who take care of me, I used him teteh aneng. he was very patient in taking care of me, yes even if only until I was age 4 years. I first kindergarten in the AN-NUR. Two Officers Elementary School. SMP Negeri 5 Bekasi, and now I'm the school's four high schools Bekasi.Now, today I'm busy busy preparing for EKSPARASI.
hopefully yes please prayer event this class XI IPA 3 smoothly and can be champions:)
NB: (This really confused what to write anymore)
I hope you guys like to read it, sorry I'm still new in the world's bloggers this development
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
vacation to Sukabumi

Accordance with title Miqdaad will tell how my trip to Sukabumi and what events there
ini bukan liburan gue yang pertama ke SUKABUMI, I previously had never been there it's just that my brother home. tapi tujuan gue yang sekarang sekarang ini adalah untuk melihat suatu usaha yang sedang keluarga saya jalan kan, warung sate Bumi Wilis satay stalls are not for others, it's just that there are distinguished from others in the start of the ingredients and other. Letaknya ada di Dekat PELABUHAN RATU jadi buat kalian yang ingin ke PELABUHAN RATU mampir yahhh di jamin enggak akan nyesel :)
I am waiting for your arrival at the satay stall my family:)
hearts and feelings of sadness

and on June 11 did I feel at lying. I think you are the person who will be the most beautiful for me, but it is not. the day then I know you already have a new lover, when only a few weeks we are apart. whether you feel what I feel right now? Initially I thought that you are different from the others but in fact the same.
I really feel disappointed, and sad at night. Do not know what to tell by whom and if I should tell you about what I'm feeling at the moment.
bigs thank you for my pig because you've given good advice to me and makes me not think about him:) even though you are far away in bandung there thank you my pig. I remember that you said "why do think people should not make what I think and I'm crying just for people who do not understand me".
Saturday, June 5, 2010
holiday again
6 juni 2010, yeahhh im happy now.
Jalan jalan lagi ke pelabuhan ratu, sukabumi dengan tujuan ke bumi wilis. Rrrrr pagi pagi udah bukain pintu pager kepeleset >.< alhasil ni lutut memar -_- uuhhh. Sekarang masih di jalan dann ternyata macet bangett dehh ihh
Jalan jalan lagi ke pelabuhan ratu, sukabumi dengan tujuan ke bumi wilis. Rrrrr pagi pagi udah bukain pintu pager kepeleset >.< alhasil ni lutut memar -_- uuhhh. Sekarang masih di jalan dann ternyata macet bangett dehh ihh
bisa jugaa
minggu 5 juni 2010, akhirnya pada pukul 14:00 bisa juga buat blog -_- fiuuuh masih enggak ngerti nihh ahh
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